Arkansas: More Creeping Sharia In Public Schools; Teacher Attempts To Sneak Muslim Speaker To Class On 9/11

Guest Post by Mara Zebest

Liberal Academia pushing Islam on the children. In case you missed this one, there was a report at JihadWatch and numerous other sources that a Boston school (Concord-Carlisle High) replaced the Pledge of Allegiance with a Muslim poem on the anniversary of 9/11.

Now if that isn’t infuriating enough, there is another report out of Arkansas in which a school attempted to sneak in a Muslim speaker to proselytize on the 9/11 anniversary.

Parents weren’t told and Liberal media was surprised that parents would have a problem with this. Notice in the video report below, how the media managed to find the one parent and one student to push the “diversity” meme. Interestingly, the school canceled it due to a multitude of outrage, yet the media was at a loss to find at least one parent to represent the opposing opinion voice?

Hat Tip to RightScoop and CreepingSharia who reports the following:

Again, note the sneaky manner in which a teacher invites a Muslim to proselytize impressionable young kids ON 9/11! Without even telling the parents! And note how the media focus on those who sympathize with Muslims.

Contrary to the grandmother’s opinion, she should preach her understanding meme to Muslims and see how that works out.

It was only 30-some miles away in 2009 that another Muslim waged jihad in Little Rock, Arkansas shooting up an Army recruiting base killing one and wounding another. The Sister of professed jihadi says he changed after converting to Islam. Another foreign-funded Muslim group in Little Rock was planning a Muslim-only enclave in the area back in 2006. But we should just understand them and let them preach to our children?

So who was the Muslim speaker? What Islamic group(s) is he a member of? What mosque does he attend? Has the school vetted him and his level of adherence to sharia law? Is he part of the separatist group mentioned above?

Despite the cancellation, it appears only temporary. That’s right, the Muslim dawah has been RESCHEDULED.

Read more here to get the school contact info.