Disgusting… Liberal Media Omits Chinese Dissident Chen Guangcheng’s Pro-Life Past From Their Reports

Pro-life activist Chen Guangcheng with his family (God Reports)

Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng was jailed for exposing the Chi-com’s systematic use of forced abortion and involuntary sterilization to enforce its “One Child Policy.”
Via God Reports:

In the astonishment surrounding Chen Guangcheng’s extraordinary escape from house arrest, let us not forget why he was arrested: in 2006 Chen exposed the Chinese government’s systematic, massive use of forced abortion and involuntary sterilization to enforce its “One Child Policy.” Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRWF) obtained a copy of Chen’s field notes and we released the first English translation of these notes at a Congressional Hearing on December 6, 2011. You can read The Chen Guangcheng Report here.

A member of Chen’s team, human rights attorney Teng Biao, drafted this 2005 investigative report into coercive family planning in Linyi City, Shandong Province. The report contains extensive witness statements from cases Chen and his team were investigating before Chen was jailed. In the report are detailed accounts regarding:

• a woman forcibly aborted and sterilized at seven months;
• villagers sleeping in fields to evade Family Planning Officials;
• Family Planning Officials who broke three brooms over the head of an elderly man;
• Family Planning Officials who forced a grandmother and her brother to beat each other; and
• The use of quota systems and the practice of “implication” – the detention, fining and torture of the extended family of One Child Policy “violators.”

The Chen Guangcheng report makes clear: the spirit of the Red Guards lives on in China’s Family Planning death machine.

But the liberal media will not report the truth on Chen.
The Examiner reported:

Chen Guangcheng is a Chinese “dissident” and a “lawyer” who was jailed by the Chinese government and held in house arrest after his sentence, until he escaped over the weekend, presumably to U.S. custody.

You’ll learn all that from this 1300-word Washington Post story today, but you’ll never learn why the Communist Chinese regime wanted to silence him — that he has exposed the horrors of China’s one-child policy, including forced abortions and forced sterilizations.

Honestly. Search the article. “Abortion” never appears. Nor does “one-child” “family-planning,” or “sterilization.”

Of the five Post news articles I found discussing Chen, only one of them has the word “abortion.”

The Post wasn’t the only one to make this weird omission. CBS News’s Norah O’Donnell doesn’t mention abortion, sterilization, or the one-child policy at all.

Others simply buried this detail, making sure to describe Chen generically as a “legal activist.”

If the American media weren’t so corrupt, the fact that Chen is a pro-life activist would be openly discussed in recent reports on his escape from house arrest. But the American media is corrupt and biased, so you’ll only hear half of the story on pro-life activist Chen Guangcheng.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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