Only Obama can save us from the great melt.
Just when you thought you’d heard everything from these statist crackpots, they spring this on you…
Obama must be able to quash religious freedom in order to save Earth from global warming junk science.
Think Progress reported:
Any morally acceptable pathway to prevent catastrophic global warming includes broad access to affordable birth control for the world’s women. The conservative war on birth control is a war on women’s rights, and thus on the rights of us all. Manmade global warming is one of the most troubling symptoms of economic and social injustice around the planet, and the ”countries in the developing world least responsible for the growing emissions are likely to experience the heaviest impact of climate change, with women bearing the greatest toll.” Researchers have found that empowering women to reduce unplanned pregnancies is one of the most cost-effective ways to combat greenhouse pollution.
And that’s why Obama must quash freedom of religion… To save the planet!
Meanwhile in the real world… 122 Serbians have died this winter from harsh conditions.