This is the way it’s meant to be.
Peter Bergel, director of Oregon Peaceworks, talks with Gov. John Kitzhaber on Tuesday at the Occupy Salem demonstration at Willson Park. (Michele Darr Statesman Journal)
Liberal Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber told #OccupySalem protesters that they are using the park the way it was meant to be used.
The Stateman Journal reported, via Orbusmax:
Gov. John Kitzhaber met with Occupy Salem demonstrators in Willson Park on this afternoon, showing some support for their cause.
Occupy Salem leaders said the governor and several of his staff stopped by about 4:30 p.m. They didn’t know he’d be coming, said Peter Bergel, director of Oregon PeaceWorks.
“He said a number of things along the lines of I think you guys are doing a really good thing here, keeping it peaceful and focused,” Bergel said. “He acknowledged we’re not damaging the park in any way; that we’re using the park the way it was meant to be used.”
The local movement is a spin-off of Occupy Wall Street, which centers on dissatisfaction with a political system that serves the wealthy instead of the average American.
The governor agreed with Occupy Salem demonstrators on some points.
“I definitely felt that he heard us,” Bergel said. “I didn’t feel like he was blowing us off. … It’s certainly encouraging he came down and we had a conversation.”
Video below the fold.