Clarity and consistency were never Obama’s strengths.
In November 2009 the Obama Administration charged 4 Navy SEALS with assault for slapping terrorist mastermind Ahmed Hashim Abed and giving him a fat lip.
One of the Navy SEALS was cleared of charges in April 2010.
The SEALS were accused of mistreating a wanted Iraqi terrorist who was behind the murder of 4 US contractors in Fallujah in 2004.
It was 2004: Fallujah, Iraq. Four civilian U.S. contractors were transporting supplies for a catering company. They were ambushed, killed, their bodies burned and dragged through the streets, then hung from a bridge on the Euphrates River. A NAVY SEAL TEAM captured one of the military’s “most wanted” terrorists, the one responsible for the heinous crime. Now 4 of our bravest and finest are facing prosecution because the scumbag terrorist claimed he got a bloody lip while in their custody.
Last night Barack Obama praised the Navy SEALS for shooting Osama Bin Laden in the head and killing his son.
Hat Tip Ed