U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice Claims Gaddafi ‘Supplies Troops With Viagra To Encourage Mass Rape’

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, claimed at a UN Security Council meeting that Gaddafi is ‘supplying troops with Viagra in order to encourage mass rape’.

(AOL News)
Her claims have been treated with skepticism by foreign affair specialists.

The Guardian reported –

One of America’s most senior diplomats claimed at the United Nations security council that Muammar Gaddafi is supplying his troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape, according to diplomats.

Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the UN made the claim while accusing Gaddafi of numerous human rights abuses. Earlier in the week Rice also claimed, without offering any evidence, that Iran is helping Syria suppress internal dissent.

Foreign affairs specialists expressed scepticism about both claims.

The Viagra claim surfaced in an al-Jazeera report last month from Libya-based doctors who said they had found Viagra in the pockets of pro-Gaddafi soldiers. But it is a jump from that to suggesting Gaddafi is supplying troops with it to encourage mass rape.

Rice is one of the advocates of liberal intervention in the Obama administration, along with the White House foreign affairs adviser Samantha Power, and helped persuade President Obama to intervene in Libya.

A UN diplomat at the closed session on Thursday said: “I was in the room when she mentioned Viagra. The remark did not cause a stir at the time. It was during a discussion about whether there is moral equivalence between the Gaddafi forces and the rebels. She listed human rights abuses by Gaddafi’s forces, including snipers shooting children in the street and the Viagra story.”

She was trying to persuade doubters that Libya was not just a civil war and that Gaddafi was encouraging human rights abuses. Russia and China have complained that the military strikes on Libya are going beyond the UN mandate.

It sounds like she’s trying to make a case for more intervention in Libya.