Palestinian Police Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Kill Israeli at Joseph’s Tomb

Palestinian police shot dead an Israeli worshipper at Joseph’s Tomb today.

Israeli security officers and paramedics examine the body of a Jewish worshipper at an entrance to a military base near the West Bank city of Nablus, Sunday, April 24, 2011. Palestinians shot and killed one Israeli and wounded two others early Sunday near Joseph’s Tomb, a Jewish holy site inside the Palestinian city of Nablus, the Israeli military and rescue services said. (AP/Ariel Schalit)

Palestinian police screaming “Allahu Akbar” shot an Israeli man dead at Josepsh’s tomb on Sunday.
YNet reported:

A group of Breslov Hassidim’s regular twilight visit to Palestinian controlled Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus came to a tragically violent end Sunday: According to one of the Breslovers, Palestinian police officers fired at the convoy as they were on their way in to the Tomb.

The fire continued as they drove out, killing Ben-Yosef Livnat, a 24 year-old father of four from Jerusalem and the nephew of Minister Limor Livnat, and injuring five others.

One of the Breslovers who was in the second car in the convoy and was lightly wounded told Ynet: “We arrived at the tomb like on many occasions in the past. Near the tomb we saw a spikes chain. One of the guys jumped out of the car and moved it aside.

“At this point a uniformed Palestinian police officer with a Kalashnikov in a jeep woke his colleagues up and they started firing into the air…I was in the front seat. We started driving fast in the direction of the tomb; we got out of the vehicles and kissed the tomb.

“When we got back to the vehicles the police shot at the vehicles, they were screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’. It was crazy, they were shooting to kill. I screamed at the driver to drive out of there quickly. When we got to Har Bracha we attended to the wounded.”

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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