Yes… They’re still pushing this crap.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary and all of the manipulated numbers, the state-run media is still pushing their global warming climate change junk science. Yahoo today is pushing a book of endangered places around the world. They’ll all be gone in a few years if we don’t change our evil ways and move into mud huts.
Here’s one photo.
Africa’s Mbuti pygmies, who grow to heights of only 4-5 feet, are a group of nomads who live along the Congo Basin, which stretches from Cameroon in the west to Zambia in the southeast. The Congo Basin is one of the most species-rich areas in the world and it serves as the foundation for the pygmies’ culture and livelihood. Around 90% of the region is untouched… (Yahoo)
Of course, the pygmies are more in danger of being slaughtered by rogue Congolese mercenaries than by climate change but since when do facts matter to these green socialists?
Via Yahoo:
We all know that climate change melts glaciers and shifts sea levels. But have you ever thought about how rising temperatures can threaten beautiful places in every corner of the world? Some of these spots may be closer to home than you think.
For Earth Day, Yahoo! News interviewed Gaute Hogh, publisher of the book 100 Places to Go Before They Disappear (distributed by Abrams in the U.S.). Hogh was inspired to produce the book after witnessing the effects of global warming in his native Denmark. He wanted to show how natural beauty around the globe could be forever altered by climate change.
“The whole purpose of this book was to show my children the effects of climate change,” Hogh says. “People usually show someone suffering and I wanted to show the positive side of it: If we don’t do anything, we’ll lose some of these beautiful places.”
The first place that came to Hogh’s mind was the Wadden Sea, a low-lying coastal zone in Denmark where visitors can “walk on water” to see varied landscapes and migratory birds. Hogh fears that rising sea levels will make the crossing too dangerous and destroy its dynamic ecosystem.
“One of my missions with the book is to show teenagers, if you don’t turn off the water or turn down the heat, these places will disappear,” Hogh says. “They may say, ‘Why should I do this?’ But if I show them these pictures, they start to see it another way.”
Looking beyond his homeland, Hogh and his team used 2009 data from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to cover a diversity of locations, both well-known and obscure. One famous locale is London by the river Thames, which could overflow by as early as 2025. Flooding would damage the city’s underground rail network and could cost upwards of $48 billion.
Several areas in South America are vulnerable, including Brazil’s white sand beaches by the coastal city of Recife. Increased flooding from Amazonian rivers also threatens the world’s largest estuary Rio de la Plata, where coastal capitals Buenos Aires and Montevideo sit. It’s also the natural habitat of threatened species like sea turtles, the rare La Plata dolphin, and the croaker, a drum-fish that croaks like a frog.