Now It’s His Turn.
Andrew Breitbart releasesd a memoir and conservative how to manual this week–
Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!
You can order your copy on Amazon.
The country is in bad shape. The community organizer is still blowing money and creating more debt. The state-run media still ignores violence against tea party patriots. The jobs are disappearing. The GDP just slid to 1.4% . The radical Islamists are gaining a stranglehold in the Middle East. Iran is on the march. And the state-run media is still in love with Obama and claims he’s a moderate.
But there’s hope. There’s hope with the tea party movement. There’s victory in Wisconsin. Pelosi the Terrible turned over the gavel. Andrew Breitbart is still kicking a$$ and taking on the radical left. And, this week he released his new book.
Andrew discussed his new book with the Daily Beast today.
Breitbart was on with Sean Hannity last night to discuss his new book.
I recommend that you purchase Andrew’s book.
I ordered mine today.