Far left protesters heckled Obama at his fundraiser last night. The loons stood and sung a song about traitor and leftist hero Bradley Manning before two were escorted out.
SFGate reported:
Half a dozen protesters said they paid $76,000 for tickets to a high-priced San Francisco fundraiser starring President Barack Obama Thursday to air their concerns regarding the treatment of Private Bradley Manning — the 23-year-old intelligence expert accused of being the Wikileaks’ source.
The protest occured during a breakfast fundraiser at the swank St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco Thursday.
Oakland activist Naomi Pitcairn said she was a lead organizer of the event for the group which calls itself freshjuiceparty.com; she personally paid $76,000 total for tickets for the group to gain entry to the Obama event, she told us.
Drudge has more on the outburst.
UPDATE: Zombie has a guest list for the fundraiser.