Not only did Arizona Governor Jan Brewer veto the “birther” bill and the guns on campus bill, (She says she supports the Second Amendment?) but Governor Brewer also vetoed SB 1592 last night which directed the Governor to enter into a specific compact with other states on behalf of the State of Arizona. This was a serious blow to conservatives in Arizona.
Yesterday AZ patriot Robert Mayer sent this in its partner legislation SB 1593.
Urge Governor Brewer to sign SB 1593 — More Health Insurance Choices for Arizona Families
The liberal media is foaming at the mouth to defeat SB 1593 — which allows Arizonans to buy insurance across state lines. They are making up lies about SB 1593 because it is a free-market alternative to Obamacare that they want to see defeated.
An article in the Arizona Daily Star claims that SB 1593 contains no regulatory oversight of out-of-state insurers, and that it will repeal all state-mandated health benefits. A Sunday editorial in the Arizona Republic urges Governor Brewer to veto the bill.
Here’s the truth: SB 1593 will increase competition in the marketplace and the number of health insurance choices for Arizona families. It allows Arizona families and businesses to purchase health insurance policies across state lines, and allows individuals and businesses to keep the health insurance plan they currently have when moving or expanding business to Arizona.
SB 1593 creates a level playing field between in-state and out-of-state companies in terms of their regulatory requirements, consumer protections, and policy offerings. It does not eliminate Arizona’s health benefit mandates as the media claims; it simply gives consumers the choice of which states’ mandates they want on their insurance policy.
This is an historic bill that needs your support! We cannot let the liberal media win. The phone calls from pro-Obamacare groups are already pouring in. The country is watching to see if Arizona will pass SB 1593.
Please contact Governor Brewer TODAY by phone at 602-542-4331 and by email at http://www.azgovernor.gov/Contact.asp.
Urge Governor Brewer to support more choice and competition in health insurance that benefits families and small businesses — by signing SB 1593!
Please take a minute and urge Governor Brewer to do the right thing and sign SB 1593 into law.