When Sarah Palin was telling an audience last month that Republicans have the fighting instinct of sheep she wasn’t talking about Andrew Breitbart. Today in Wisconsin Andrew addressed the thousands of tea party patriots who came out in the cold to hold a rally for freedom, personal responsibility, and fiscal conservatism.
During his introduction of Sarah Palin, Andrew took on the vile TrumkaObama leftists who came out to taunt the tea partiers. Andrew told them that they could, “Go to hell! Go to hell!” for having the audacity to lecture the tea party about civility after the death threats and thuggery displayed in Wisconsin last month.
Andrew was in rare form.
More… Invisible Dude added this:
Andrew would make a good press secretary for President Palin……
just sayin’
And, Mike Silver added this:
Mr. Breitbart is so awesome. He’s drinking coffee while taking on the corruptocrats.
He kicks their butts, one handed while not spilling a drop of coffee.
UPDATE: Andrew writes more about the TrumkaObama class war cult over at Big Government.