Taxes Are For the Little People.
(KC Citizen)
On Monday, we learned that Claire McCaskill failed to pay over $280,000 on her private plane.
On Tuesday we found out more…
Claire McCaskill registered her plane in Delaware, where no taxes are imposed. Then she moved the plane to Illinois, where she avoided paying taxes before she moved it to Missouri, where she ignored paying her taxes.
It’s having an impact on the far left democrat.
The Missouri senate race was just downgraded to toss-up.
National Journal reported:
The Cook Political Report on Thursday downgraded Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s re-election chances to “toss-up” after a private jet controversy that could undercut her image as a government reformer.
“There is nothing voters hate more than politicians who don’t pay their taxes or what voters perceive as their fair share of taxes,” Cook Political Report’s Jennifer Duffy writes.
“The only thing they hate more than that is when the wealthy don’t pay their taxes. It seems unlikely that McCaskill as a wealthy politician is going to be forgiven simply because she discovered the problem and paid the taxes.”
In a state where the electorate’s right-leaning tilt already made McCaskill’s 2012 prospects difficult, the senator’s self-inflicted wound only complicates her hopes for re-election.
Oh… And that fake twitter account that started up this week isn’t helping matters either.