This must be part of the new civility we were promised…
The top Indiana fleebagger state Rep. Pat Bauer told reporters today that Governor Scott Walker has the “attraction of the demon.”
TPMDC reported:
State Rep. Pat Bauer, the leader of the AWOL Indiana House Democrats still camped out in Urbana, IL and effectively shutting down legislative process back home, says it’s no surprise to him that Wisconsin has dominated the headlines while Indiana’s fight has slipped off the front page.
“Their governor isn’t as clever as our governor,” Bauer told TPM in a telephone interview Friday. Bauer said Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) can “shake and bake,” offering up a legislative priority list that Bauer said was a devastating for the middle class “with a smile.”
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), on the other hand, is fighting his state’s Democrats “with a scowl.”
Daniels “doesn’t have the attraction of the demon that his pupil has over there [in Wisconsin],” Bauer said. “The governor or Wisconsin says that the Governor of Indiana is his mentor. So obviously Gov. Daniels is smarter and more schooled in how to be a destroyer of the middle class.”
Bauer along with most of the 40 members of the state House Democratic caucus have been on the lam since Feb. 22, when they split to shut down a bill that would have changed Indiana into a right-to-work state, weakening private employee unions there. Under pressure from Daniels, the Republicans dropped that bill after the Democrats left. But Democrats say union busting is still on the agenda, and they say that other bills on the table are worth shutting the government down for.