A north St. Louis county resident was told by his subdivision committee this week to take down his “Jesus” sign.
CBS St. Louis reported:
A north St. Louis County man says he can’t believe what he found in his mailbox — a letter from his subdivision committee telling him he had to take down his yard sign.
The simple green sign has a single word written in white…”Jesus”.
“What is this? What kind of country are we living in?,” Michael Mayfield asks incredulously.
Mayfield lives in unincorporated Florissant, in a subdivision called Weatherby Place off Shackleford.
He says as a Christian, he proudly placed the familiar green-and-white sign in his yard as a declaration of his faith.
“And they told me I had to remove it,” Mayfield tells KMOX News. “I mean it just shocked me to no end to even read a letter like this. It spelled out ‘Jesus’, and that really captured my attention that they would go as far as to spell out the name ‘Jesus’.”