Deranged Gun-Toting Palin Stalker Travels From Pennsylvania to Alaska – Media Insists It’s a Non-Story (Updated)

“Bottom line is, he is crazy and could kill me… He wants me dead.”
– Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin obtained an emergency restraining order against 18 year-old Shawn R. Christy back in September.
Christy was recently arrested 50 miles from Sarah Palin’s home in Alaska.

Shawn R. Christy, right, looks over court documents Wednesday with his mother, Karen, center, and father, Craig, at the family’s home in McAdoo. (Republican Herald)

Shawn R. Christy, the young Pennsylvania Sarah Palin stalker took his first trip to Alaska in February. The The Daily Mail incorrectly reported that he was arrested while in Alaska however the FBI said that the story was false.

What is true is that Sarah Palin and Kristan Cole filed, and were granted, 20-day protective orders against Christy in September 2010 and they were extended through April.
The Frontiersman reported:

Palin and Cole filed, and were granted, 20-day protective orders against Christy in September 2010 after they told the court that they had received receipts from him for the purchase of a gun, a one-way plane ticket and a call from him on a phone with a 907 area code.

The protective order was later extended until April.

Christy said he plans to hire an attorney and fight the order if the two ask the court to extend the protective order farther.

“I’d like to eventually get it thrown out,” he said.

Before traveling to Alaska, Christy said he verified with law enforcement and legal authorities in Pennsylvania that his trip to Anchorage would not violate the protective orders, which prohibits contact with the Palin and Cole families and limits how near he can come to locations where they live or frequent.

The media and far left cranks at Media Matters, of course, see this as a non-story.
It’s about time they update their reports with some facts.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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