Leftie heads explode.
The Ohio Senate yesterday approved a bill that prevents faculty members from engaging in collective bargaining.
The Chronicle reported:
A bill narrowly approved by the Ohio Senate on Wednesday contains even worse news for public colleges’ labor unions than they had feared: In addition to scaling back the collective-bargaining rights of all state employees, it would effectively prevent many faculty members from engaging in collective bargaining at all, by classifying them as managers, exempt from union representation, if they engage in any of several activities traditionally associated with their jobs.
The language dealing with how faculty members are classified was inserted into the bill Wednesday, just hours before the full Senate vote, as part of a 99-page omnibus amendment introduced Tuesday by the bill’s sponsor, Shannon Jones, a Republican.
“We were completely blindsided by it,” said Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors, which has local chapters on eight Ohio public university campuses that represent faculty members in collective bargaining. “We have just started to fight,” he said. “We are not going to settle for this.”
The classification provision defines as “management-level employees” those faculty members who, individually or through faculty senates or similar organizations, engage in any of a long list of activities generally thought of as simply part of the jobs of tenured and tenure-track professors.