A judge ordered the state to reopen the capitol building to the leftist mob.
Hallis Mailen sleeps on Sunday in the rotunda of the Wisconsin Capitol as a round-the-clock protest continues over the proposed budget and bargaining rights. (Post-Gazette)
A judge ordered the state of Wisconsin to reopen the capitol building to the dirty, drumming, screaming leftist mob.
Madison.com reported:
A judge has granted a temporary restraining order giving the public access to the state Capitol during business hours and while hearings and other state business are being heard.
The order appears to ease more restrictive policies outlined in a Monday night memo from Assembly Sergeant-at-Arms Anne Tonnon Byers but nothing had changed in terms of access as of 10:45 a.m.
“My understanding is that procedures outlined in the memo remain in effect unless circumstances may change,” said Tim Donovan, spokesman for the Department of Administration. He said the order has not been served or seen by administration officials.
The temporary restraining order by Dane County Judge Daniel R. Moeser was filed Tuesday morning in response to a lawsuit filed by three union groups: Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24 and the AFL-CIO.