Union Members Shout Profanities and Intimidate Lawmakers in Kansas
The Kansas Speaker of the House may ban union lobbyists after the outbursts last week.
The Speaker of the Kansas House may ban union members after the outbreaks and intimidation last week.
KTKA reported:
Friday, the Speaker of the Kansas House had plenty to say about Thursday’s outburst from union members during the vote on House Bill 2130.
Speaker Mike O’Neal is considering banning union lobbyists after reports of vulgar behavior on the part of lobbyists and union members at the Statehouse Thursday.
“I can tell you that I have now verified from at least six individuals the use of profanity that was so strenuously denied. Beyond the sexually explicit things, the intimidation and telling people that you will vote a certain way is very close to crossing the line on what appropriate lobbying is,” says O’Neal.
Here’s more video of the outburst last week: