Worst. Administration. Ever.
NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe ADM James Stavridis told a committee yesterday that there are “flickers” of Al-Qaeda in the Libyan rebels ranks. Al-Qaeda also reportedly stole missiles recently from Gaddafi’s stockpiles.
Jennifer Griffin reported:
But those facts won’t stop the Obama Administration.
Hillary Clinton insisted yesterday that the UN resolution gave the US authority to arm the Al-Qaeda linked rebels.
The Independent reported:
The United States paved the way to arming rebel groups in Libya as leaders from nearly 40 countries met in London to discuss the next moves against Colonel Gaddafi’s regime.
The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said she believed that UN resolutions allowed for the “legitimate transfer of arms” to the rebels should any country wish to do so. She added that no decision had been made “at this time” by the US on arming the rebels.
William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said that while Libya was under a United Nations-mandated arms embargo that did not mean arming the rebels was impossible. France said it would also consider supplying weapons. “I remind you it is not part of the UN resolution… but we are ready to discuss it with our partners,” the French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppé, said.