It looks like Donald Trump gave a bold new voice to the birther movement…
A series of television ads are now in production that question Barack Obama’s eligibility as President of the United States.
World Net Daily reported:
Two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi, a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard and a senior staff writer at WND, has written a new book that promises to be a game-changer on the issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility.
It’s called “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President.”
The result of more than two years of solid investigative research by Corsi and a team of WND reporters and editors, this book is destined to be a huge bestseller and change the dynamics of the debate over eligibility – IF, of course, the book is not spiked by the hostile establishment media when it is officially released in May.
Advance orders for this book from retailers across the U.S. already suggest it will be Corsi’s third No. 1 New York Times bestseller – probably bigger than the previous two.
“Imagine how that will change the character of the debate on this critical constitutional issue,” says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and WND Books, the publisher of “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” “Therefore, we have a strategy for promoting this book far and wide – going right over the heads of the hopelessly biased and politically correct press. But we need your help to pull it off.”
A series of television ads are now in production to ensure this book cannot be spiked by the Big Media. WND needs to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to air these commercials on television networks and stations throughout the country.
It looks like The Donald’s comments could not have come at a better time for Jerome Corsi.