A new liberal political ad in Wisconsin blames blames their opponent for the priest sex abuse case.
The ad claims that Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, who is running against an big liberal, refused to prosecute a priest who had been accused of sexually assaulting children. Instead, Prosser and the bishop made a deal to avoid a scandal and sent the priest to a different community. The pedophile priest’s assaults continued.
There’s only one problem with the ad.
It’s not true.
The victim in the case had this to say.
A victim of Father John Patrick Feeney’s sexual abuse in the 1970s writes that he’s upset with an ad criticizing Supreme Court Justice David Prosser’s decision not to pursue charges against Feeney when Prosser was Outagamie County District Attorney.
Troy J. Merryfield, who now lives in Suffolk, Va., released a statement Friday that says the ad by the Greater Wisconsin Committee is “offensive, inaccurate and out of context” and that he would actually vote for Prosser if he was a Wisconsin resident. He wrote that he wanted the group to remove the ad from the airwaves.
This is from his statement:
Signed- Troy Merryfield
The far left group says it will keep playing the dishonest ad.
After all, the unions need to win this election.