Democrats held their own Muslim senate hearing to counter the hearing last month in the House on Islamic radicalism. Senator Dick “Pol Pot” Durbin (D-IL) and fellow democrats wanted to examine Muslims’ civil rights in the US.
Unfortunately, it was just a political stunt.
If Democrats really cared about addressing hate crime in the United States they would have held a hearing on violence against Jews. There were 10 times more attacks against Jews in the US than against Muslims in the last year that data was reported.
Synagogues in Seattle, Washington was vandalized in 2009. (Vos Iz Neias)
The reality is that hate crimes against Muslims remain low in the United States.
McClatchy reported in August that more hate crimes were committed against white males than Muslims. And, there were ten times as many hate crimes reported against Jews than Muslims in the latest report.
But, who needs facts when you’re trying to score political points?
The Politico reported, via Free Republic:
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said it wasn’t a response to Republican Rep. Peter King’s hearings this month on post-9/11 Islamic radicalization and terrorism — but it sure felt like it.
The Illinois Democrat’s hearing Tuesday on anti-Muslim bigotry – the first congressional hearing of its kind – was an opportunity for Democrats to present Muslim Americans in a different light: as a people facing growing discrimination and intolerance.
Durbin noted that King previously stated there are too many mosques in the country. And he pointed to comments by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a possible GOP presidential candidate, that the country is “experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization.”
“Some have even questioned the premise of today’s hearing: that we should protect the civil rights of American Muslims,” Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, said in his opening remarks. “Such inflammatory speech from prominent public figures creates a fertile climate for discrimination. So it’s not surprising that the Anti-Defamation League says we face an intensified level of anti-Muslim bigotry.’”Three weeks after King’s House Homeland Security Committee hearing, a new Senate Judiciary Committee panel heard testimony from Muslim civil rights leaders and past and present Justice Department officials. Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the department has investigated more than 800 possible hate crimes against people perceived to be Muslim or Arab.
It was not clear from the report if far left Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) went on a sobbing jag about some bogus story of Islamic abuse or not.