Bell, CA Voters Sweep Corrupt City Democrats From Office

Former Republican Congressional candidate and friend Ari David sent in this analysis on the Bell, California elections that were held yesterday.

Spanish news La Opinion prints the truth about the Indicted Democrats in Bell

I want to congratulate La Opinion for finally doing what the LA Times won’t. THE major Spanish Language paper in the Los Angeles area published an article that revealed that all the indicted officials involved in ripping off the Bell taxpayers are all Democrats. Hat tip goes to La Opinion for their journalistic courage for publishing it.

Come on LA Times, don’t be scared, you can now do it too!

No, they can’t.
Bell voters swept the corrupt city democrats from office last night.
Of course, you wouldn’t know the crooks were democrats from The LA Times report:
The LA Times reported:

Bell residents voted overwhelmingly to recall four embattled council members Tuesday with 100% of the votes counted in the small southeast Los Angeles County city.

More than 95% of the city’s residents voted to recall council members Teresa Jacobo, Oscar Hernandez and George Mirabal, as well as Councilman Luis Artiga, who resigned but was still on the ballot.

In the race to fill the remaining term of Jacobo, retired baker Danny Harber won with 1,468 votes, or 54.4%, to Coco Ceja’s 1,239 votes, according to final election returns.

Attorney Ana Maria Quintana tallied 1,305 votes, or 44%, to fill the remaining term of Artiga. Miguel A. Sanchez, who passed away last week, was in second with 683 votes, or 23% of the total.

In the race to fill three four-year terms on the council, businessman Ali Saleh had received 1,355 votes, followed by Nestor E. Valencia with 1,242 votes and Violeta Alvarez with 1,220 votes, election returns showed.

About 33% of the city’s 10,400 registered voters cast ballots in the heated contest.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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