Green activists light candles on a cold beach.
Activists from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) light candles representing the earth as they demonstrate, calling for a catch up plan to prevent climate change, on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change Conference COP16 in Cancun December 5, 2010. (Reuters)
The Gore Effect strikes again.
Global warmists are facing record cold temperatures as they meet this week in Cancun.
Watts Up With That reported:
Dr. Roy Spencer, who is in Cancun representing climate skepticism on behalf of CFACT writes on his blog:
Today’s my first full day in Cancun at COP-16, and as I emerged from my hotel room I was greeted by a brisk, dry, cool Canadian breeze.
It was 54 deg. F in Cancun this morning — a record low for the date. (BTW, Cancun is nowhere near Canada).
Al Gore is not supposed to be here…but it could be that the Gore Effect has announced his secret arrival. We will check into this.