Steps to treason…
Private First Class Bradley Manning Smuggled the Security Documents out CD-RW labeled “Lady Gaga.”
Never before has a superpower lost control of such vast amounts of sensitive information. The leaked documents reportedly came from the same source- Private First Class Bradley Manning – who was bitter after a breakup with his boyfriend. Manning, smuggled the information out of a secure facility on a CD-RW labeled “Lady Gaga.”
MSNBC Open Channel is tracking the leaked documents.
Here are a few items from the 250,000 dispatches leaked to leftist media outlets:
The White House had concerns about the mental health of Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
US view of Kim Jong-il, Putin, Sarkozy and Berlusconi
The German dispatches: Internal source kept U.S. informed of Merkel coalition negotiations
‘Tribune of Anatolia’: Diplomatic cables reveal U.S. doubts about Turkey’s government
Orders from Clinton: U.S. diplomats told to spy on other countries at United Nations
Fear of ‘different world’ if Iran gets nuclear weapons
Israel primed to attack a nuclear Iran
Secret EU plot to boycott Ahmadinejad inauguration
Iran ‘lied to UN inspectors about Qom nuclear site’
More on the document dump here.