Your taxpayer dollars at work…
Barack Obama and Joe Biden will tour a Chrysler plant in Kokomo today that received $343 million in direct investments from the auto bailout to save 1200 jobs.
Maybe that explains the Muppet music…
The Caucus reported:
If there was one message that appeared not to get through during the midterm elections, it was President Obama’s efforts to help the struggling economies of the industrial Midwest.
It was in places like Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Michigan that the Democratic party took some of its heaviest losses. That happened despite repeated trips by the president touting the administration’s work to bail out the auto industry and provide stimulus funds to the economically depressed region.
But in the wake of the election, Mr. Obama appears eager to keep trying.
On Tuesday, he will head to Kokomo, Indiana, where unemployment peaked at nearly 20 percent in 2009, but has steadily fallen since then, in part thanks to the recovery of the Chrysler auto plant in the town. White House officials said Mr. Obama will tour a Chrysler plant and highlight the $8.4 billion that Indiana received in Recovery Act funds.
…White House officials said Indiana Transmission, the Chrysler plant in Kokomo that Mr. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will tour, is thriving again after the bailout rescued Chrysler from bankruptcy and the plant received $343 million in direct investments. The officials noted that 400 employees at the plant who had been laid off by Chrysler have been recalled by the company.
Let’s wait and see who reports this story today as Obama touts his failed stimulus bill.