Dick Morris, David Bossie, Stephen Bannon, Michelle Moore and host Dana Loesch celebrated the premiere of “Battle For America” in St. Louis on Wednesday.
The event and rally was held at the historic Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis in the Khorassan East Ballroom. Hundreds turned out for the premiere of the latest production by Citizens United.
“Battle for America” takes a look back at the past two years of failed policies, radical legislation and the destruction of American principles and values under the Obama-Pelosi regime. Darin Miller at Big Hollywood reviewed the film earlier this week.
“The Battle for America,” like “The Return of the King,” is the climactic end of an epic journey. In a concise, packed 82-minute film, Citizens United paints a vivid portrait of the atrocities of this present Congress and administration, reminding viewers that we’ve got one shot on November 2 to replace our elected officials, or endure another two years of bailouts and government takeovers.
This Tea Party dream film (complete with credits inspired by the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag) boasts a fiery visual narrative constructed from a collection of spliced interviews, C-SPAN feeds, news reels, Hollywood and archival footage strung together in a montage sequence making the film’s pace akin to a trailer. And that’s what “The Battle” really is. It’s a feature-length trailer, chronicling the last two years and calling out the government for atrocities committed. If everyone in America watched this trailer, I’d wager we’d have the highest turnout with the most conservative vote in U.S. history.
And with section titles like “Village of the Damned: Radical Chic,” it’s hardly your stereotypical conservative documentary, as it pushes the limits through brilliant montage imagery that shows as much as it verbally tells. Combined with brilliant narrators, it’s smart but accessible, with insight sure to incite a revolution at the polls.
It is a beautiful summary of President Obama’s two years in office. Starting with the 111th Congress taking the oath of office, it devolves into the cacophonous disaster that this Congress has been, as countless Congressional leaders swear to defend the Constitution, then months later belittle, ignore or criticize the very document they swore to uphold.
StL Cyclist posted photos from the premiere.
“Battle for America” truly is a masterpiece.
It would make a great stocking stuffer for those conservatives on your Christmas list.