Liberal polling organizations the past couple of days have reported the senate race tightening in Pennsylvania. A new Quinnipiac poll out today suggests the race is down to a two point lead for Republican Pat Toomey over Pelosi-Democrat Joe Sestak.
However, Rasmussen Reports, the most accurate polling service hated by liberals, still has Toomey with a convincing lead over his far left rival.
Rasmussen still lists the Pennsylvania race in the “Solid GOP” column.
The fact that the race may be tightening is not a surprise but be cautious of the liberal polling outfits. They would love to influence the Pennsylvania election.
The New York Daily News added:
Still, if you read the Tea leaves, it should be a Toomey win, and the poll captures a bit of that.
“There is still a mood in the likely Pennsylvania electorate for change, which appears more likely to help Toomey than Sestak,” said Brown. “Among the 33% of likely voters who say they are angry with the federal government, Toomey leads 77 – 17%.”