A new low… CBS depicts Sheriff Joe Arpaio as a child rapist and murderer on the psychic series “Medium.”
(Phoenix New Times photo)
The CBS series “Medium” depicts Sheriff Joe Arpaio as a child rapist and murderer who forces his prisoners to wear pink jumbsuits.
Big Hollywood and FOX Nation reported
On October 15, the Whodunnit/Psychic series “Medium,” which is set in Phoenix, Arizona, featured a character obviously based on tough-on-crime, real-life Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But instead of presenting him as a tough, but serious lawman, this TV show depicted its Arpaio-like character as a rapist of teen girls as well as a murderer.
I guess CBS couldn’t possibly present its Sheriff Arpaio-styled character as a good man. Their Arpaio-like character had to be seen as a sicko, rapist, and murderer. It is just another example of how Hollywood and the TV industry can’t stand it that there are real men out there that the voters love because they are public servants that are tough-minded, but fair. No, to TV, anyone that isn’t a liberal must be a rapist, a murderer, or a mentally deranged cretin.
In this episode titled “How to Kill a Good Guy,” main character Allison, a psychic detective of sorts working for the District Attorney’s office, saw a crime committed in her trance state. She saw the murder of a young girl. Then the murdered girl appeared to psychic Allison and told her exactly where her rapist and murderer buried her body.
The dead girl told Allison that she was buried in a shallow grave in the desert, an area that happened to be in the jurisdiction of a character named Sheriff John Guillory of Yucca County, Arizona.
Allison then goes into the DAs office to tell him that they need to look for this dead girl’s body in Yucca County. But the DA is not too keen to go to this county. Why? Here is how the DA character explains his reticence:
I’m not going to lie to you. Yucca’s not my favorite place. I’m not crazy about the way the do things there.
Well, gosh. What could be so bad? How do they “do things there”?
The next scene shows us this Sheriff Guillory for our benefit. Guest star Tom Wopat portrays a sheriff that is dismissive of the health and welfare of his prisoners, he’s a man that snickers at them, and treats them as less than human. This sheriff makes his prisoners wear — gasp! — pink jumpsuits and work on chain gangs! Oh the horrors.