Just last month Lindsey Graham told reporters,
“The tea party will die out… Republicans will move away from the fringe.”
But that was last month…
Now, the tea party-basher is reaching out to conservatives and tea party groups to gain their support.
Good luck.
The Hill reported:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is playing defense against conservatives in his state angry with his record.
Graham has reached out to the Tea Party movement in the Palmetto State this week and appeared on conservative radio in a bid to explain his record to right-leaning voters.
Some grassroots conservatives are frustrated with Graham for partnering too often with President Obama and congressional Democrats. Graham was the lead Senate GOP negotiator on climate change and immigration legislation, though neither package moved forward in the Senate.
Graham met with the Tea Party group in Charleston, S.C., on Wednesday in a closed-door meeting. The Charleston County Republican Party has been among several county chapters and Tea Party groups to censure Graham, citing concerns about the second-term senator’s stances on immigration, Supreme Court nominees and energy and climate legislation, among other issues.
The Tea Party appearance was paired with appearances on conservative radio in the state, where Graham faced tough questions about whether he was adequately conservative.
Graham defended himself as a mainstream conservative, and expressed worry that public officials like himself were being effectively prohibited from expressing disagreement with the party.
It will be a good day when this progressive is replaced in the US Senate.