The patriotic crowd that had already gathered at the Lincoln Memorial today in our nation’s capital stood and sang “God Bless America” at 6:30 AM during a sound check.
No wonder the left hates these guys.
(Free Republic Pete Photo)
The BBC posted this photo of the giant rally today.
Glenn Beck announced, “I heard two estimates from the media. One was 300,000 and the other was 500,000. So, who knows just how many are actually here today.”
Organizers were expecting 100,000 patriots at the rally.
Live Washington DC street shots here.
NECN has video:
The state-run media is predictably annoyed with this patriotic rally.
The rally is streaming live at the Restoring Honor homepage and is also playing on C-SPAN.
A crowd shot from C-SPAN
Freedom’s Lighthouse has lovely Sarah Palin’s speech at the rally.
What an awesome speech!
Meanwhile, Al Sharpton’s counter freedom rally managed to attract only 3,000 supporters.