The horror!
Democrats are planning to attack Republicans for meeting with *business leaders* this week.
The Democratic Party”s animosity towards business may help explain the unemployment rate these last couple of years.
Democrats have controlled the House since January 2007.
The Hill reported, via Free Republic:
Congressional Democrats believe the House GOP plan to meet with business and trade lobbyists in the Capitol this week has provided them with yet another opening to attack Republicans for cozying up to big business.
The GOP plan calls for the top officials from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, the National Association of Homebuilders and the National Association of Manufacturers to gather with leading House Republicans in the Capitol to help the GOP craft part of its America Speaking Out policy agenda.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.), the Republican tasked with forming the jobs portion of the GOP agenda document, are among those scheduled to attend the meeting.
After reports of the business and trade group meeting surfaced, Democrats predictably went on the attack — in a release, the DNC chided Republicans for holding a “Lobbyists Speaking Out” forum.
Republicans appeared to buckle somewhat from the latest round of pressure. Shortly after news first broke of their initiative, GOP leaders announced plans to livestream the meeting, rather than hold it behind closed doors.