Gee, we’re all shocked.
Suddenly Barack Obama believes the Iranians might have a clandestine nuke program.
It seems like it was just yesterday that Barack Obama was bashing Bush for his “saber-rattling” and poo-pooing the Iranian threat:
But, that was back when he needed to corral some votes.
Suddenly, the Iranian Regime has become a threat to America.
The LA Times reported:
Little more than a year after U.S. spy agencies concluded that Iran had halted work on a nuclear weapon, the Obama administration has made it clear that it believes there is no question that Tehran is seeking the bomb.
In his news conference this week, President Obama went so far as to describe Iran’s “development of a nuclear weapon” before correcting himself to refer to its “pursuit” of weapons capability.
Obama’s nominee to serve as CIA director, Leon E. Panetta, left little doubt about his view last week when he testified on Capitol Hill. “From all the information I’ve seen,” Panetta said, “I think there is no question that they are seeking that capability.”
The language reflects the extent to which senior U.S. officials now discount a National Intelligence Estimate issued in November 2007 that was instrumental in derailing U.S. and European efforts to pressure Iran to shut down its nuclear program.
Of course, This is much different from Obama’s campaign rhetoric back in 2007.
Obama slammed Bush for believing that the regime in Iran was developing nukes:
Clinton’s top rival Senator Barack Obama warned that despite the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran released Monday, the Bush administration would not modify its tough line on Iran.
“It is absolutely clear that this administration and President Bush continues to not let facts get in the way of his ideology.”
“They need, now, to aggressively move on the diplomatic front.”
“They should have stopped the saber rattling — should never have started it,” said Obama.
Mere Rheotoric has more on this new threat facing America.