Barack Obama’s church take the crackpottery prize hands down.
…And this appears to have the senator upset.
Barack Obama had this to say about his nutty racist anti-American black liberation church, via Ben Smith at The Politico:
Understand this, something else that has not been reported on enough is despite these very offensive views, this guy has built one of the finest churches in Chicago. This is not a crackpot church. Witness the fact that Bill Clinton invited him to the White House when he was having his personal crises. This is a pillar of the community and if you go there on Easter on this Easter Sunday and you sat down there in the pew you would think this is just like any other church.
If you would have gone to his church this Easter on this Easter Sunday and you sat down there in the pew you would have found out that Rev. Jeremiah Wright was lynched and crucified just like Jesus Christ.
Jules Crittenden examines the crackpottery charges.
MORE CRACKPOTTERY… Obama does not like to be labeled liberal— even though his own voting record earned him this title.
UPDATE: Robert Novak claims that Obama is damaged goods due to the Jeremiah Wright controversy.