Muslim tennis star Sania Mirza wore a T-shirt at the US Open with the slogan, “Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History.”
Muslim tennis star Sania Mirza has pulled out of her tournaments in India due to concerns over the “criticism” (threats) she gets when she plays in her home country.
Mirza has been threatened throughout her career because she insists on playing professional tennis in professional tennis clothes and does not keep her flesh covered during her backhand returns.
The Religion of Peace and The Telegraph reported:
Indian tennis player Sania Mirza has disappointed fans by pulling out of all of her home tournaments this year due to the controversy they generate.
The 21-year-old has declared she was advised by her manager not to take part in the Bangalore Open next month because of the criticism she encounters when playing in India.
“A lot has been happening in the last few months, everytime I have played in India there has been some kind of problem so we just thought it was better not to play at this point,” the star told reporters in Hyderabad on Monday.
As a Muslim player, Mirza has reportedly been condemned by Islamic groups over her attire on the court, with her short tennis skirts coming under particular scrutiny.
The star has become something of a flag-bearer for Muslim sportswomen, being seen last year playing in T-shirts bearing slogans of defiance such as “Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History”.
“As long as I’m winning, people shouldn’t care whether my skirt is six inches or six feet long,” she said at the time.
But she has also revealed that she has sometimes thought about ending her playing career.
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