Barak Obama wants to end the US “Occupation” of Iraq.
His first move would be to bring the occupying forces home.
Buzzflash reported:
In an 11-minute interview with hometown Chicago radio broadcaster and journalist, Roland Martin, Barack Obama revealed that his first act, if elected president, would be to pull our troops out of Iraq as quickly as possible.
You can listen to the interview, conducted the morning after Obama’s victory in Iowa here.
BuzzFlash has excerpted the key Iraq question and answer below. But there’s a lot more interesting stuff to listen to in a rather candid, hoarse conversation between Obama and Martin.
Roland Martin: If you are elected what is the very first thing that you focus on as Commander in Chief of this country?
Barack Obama: Well, we will call in the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I will give them a new assignment and that is to bring our troops home in a careful, responsible way, but to end this occupation in Iraq. I will call in my Secretary of State and initiate the diplomacy that’s needed to make sure that exit is accompanied by negotiations between the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.