Delaram Ali was arrested in June 2006, at a Women’s Rights protest in Tehran.
She was battered and dragged through the streets by the regime police.
Her arm was broken during the beatdown.
This week she will receive part of her sentence– 10 lashings. She will then serve the rest of her sentence, 2 years in prison, because she dared ask for more rights of women from the Iranian regime leaders.
She went to protest for Women’s Rights and ended up with a broken arm in prison. (Kamangir)
Kamangir has more photos of the arrest of Delaram Ali and news on her upcoming lashings.
Prominent women’s rights defender, Delaram Ali was sentenced to 2 years, 10 months jail term and 10 lashes, on 2 July 2007, for her participation in a peaceful gathering of women human rights defenders in Tehran in June 2006- Delaram Ali Blog.
Rooz Online has more on her case.
Iranian Woman Gets 3 Years & 10 Whippings for Protesting
Iranian Women Protest For Rights- Get Public Flogging Instead!