On this year’s “Cyrus the Great Day” the regime in Iran sentenced a human rights activist to death.
Iranian human rights activist Abdullah al-Mansouri was sentenced to death today.
His execution may be carried out within 48 hours.
His son claims that he was forced to confess to crimes after being tortured in prison in Iran.
EUX TV reported:
A Dutch-Iranian human rights activist Abdullah al-Mansouri has allegedly been sentenced to death in Iran and may be executed within 48 hours, reports said Monday.
A Syrian human rights organisation had informed Mansouri’s son Adnan al-Mansouri about his father’s plight. The Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs could not confirm the information Monday.
Mansouri was born in Iran, but was granted Dutch citizenship after fleeing to the Netherlands as a political refugee. The human rights activist has been involved with the civil rights of minorities in Iran. He received royal distinction for his work from Dutch Queen Beatrix.
Iran, however, claims Mansouri has been involved in terrorist activities.
He was arrested 18 months ago during a trip to Syria and authorities subsequently extradited him to Iran, where he has allegedly been tortured.
His son says he expects his father will be forced to confess to certain crimes on Iranian national television prior to his execution.
The Dutch Foreign Affairs spokesman on Monday had no information about any hearings that have taken place in the case against Mansouri. Iran had earlier promised Mansouri would not be sentenced without hearings.
More… Sadly, today is Cyrus the Great Day.
Cyrus the Great declared the first charter of human rights in the world, also known as the Cyrus Cylinder, back in 539 BC in Persia.
Amil Amani reported today at American Thinker:
Cyrus the Great proclaimed more than 2500 years ago: “Today, I announce that everyone is free to choose a religion. People are free to live in all regions and take up a job provided that they never violate other’s rights.” Cyrus the Great declared himself not a conqueror, but a liberator and the rightful successor to the crown.
But, today the current regime in Iran condemned a human rights activist to death.
How sad.
Hat Tip Larwyn