Holy Delusions of Christofascism!
CBS takes giant leap forward in Christian bashing.
Cold Case shows stoning of young woman… By Christians!
Hat Tip Larwyn
Another stoning is to take place in Iran.
A stoning hole from a recent stoning in Iran in July.
Kamangir is following the real story and is asking readers to spread this news:
The state-run newspaper Qods reported that a mother of three is sentenced to stoning. Reportedly, the evidence is video tapes of her having sex with another person [Persian].
We have to stop this! Spread the news and send the link in the comment section. We have to stop this.
UPDATE: Soheila Vahdati from Stop Stoning Forever sends more on the latest scheduled stoning in Iran:
According to our source from the area, following a complaint filed by a woman alleging blackmail and intimidation, a court in Mashhad opened a file to investigate her complaint and the accused was arrested soon after. The case was then referred to the 5th circuit criminal court of Khorasan province. The defendant provided pictures and pornographic video tapes claiming that the plaintiff has engaged in sexual acts with him willingly and without any coercion. After several hearings, judges of the fifth circuit condemned the female plaintiff to death by stoning on charges of adultery and the man to 100 lashes.