Islamofascism Awareness Week Is Here!
Over 25 American universities are set to participate in the First Ever Islamofascism Awareness Week!
Incorrect University Blog will have all of the updates during the week.
Speakers this week will include: Robert Spencer, Tammy Bruce, David Horowitz, Ann Coulter, Michael Ledeen, Rick Santorum and many others!
It ought to be a riot!
Terrorism Awareness Project has all of the background information on Islamofascism Awareness Week.
David Horowitz, the editor of FrontPage Magazine and founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, was interviewed Friday in California by Incorrect University President Andrew Marcus. David discussed the origins of Radical Islam and talked about the respect he had for the student organizers of Islamofascism Awareness Week. Horowitz gives a great amount of credit to the brave students on each campus who are organizing this week’s events at over 25 US universities.
David Horowitz announced during the interview a new movement that starts this week with Islamofascism Awereness Week.
** This excellent interview with David Horowitz is HERE.
This was cross-posted at Incorrect University.
Please check out the “Dean of Sudents” at Incorrect University when you have a second.