UN-Ruly Anti-Ahmadinejad Protesters Ready to Roll in Big Apple

More Updates Below—-

UPDATED: With Photos From His Party Last Night In New York City!
Mahmoud met with several hundred regime supporters in the Big Apple last night:


Iranian Fars News reported on Ahmadinejad’s speech to the Pro-Regime guests at the dinner party last night in New York City.




The Protesters Are Starting to Gather at the UN and Columbia University!

For some reason Columbia University believes it is appropriate to host a man who openly promotes the slaughter of Jews in Israel.
But, the university will not allow the founder of the Minuteman Project to speak on campus!

A Jewish boy walks past posters posted on the wall of New York’s Columbia University against Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad’s scheduled speech at the university the following day. Ahmadinejad kicked off his third visit to the United States Sunday amid a storm of controversy and angry protests over his outspoken views on Israel.(AFP/Nicholas Kamm)

Ahmadinejad landed in New York City Sunday night.
There was a dinner planned later in the evening on Sunday.
Reportedly, 1500 Iranian Regime supporters were invited to the private gathering.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad released this statement upon arriving in New York City:

“No one has the right to use force in international relations, occupy others’ lands or resort to terrorism. These are the clear stands of the people of Iran and this course will continue,” stressed the president.

Except, of course when the regime does resort to terrorism as reported today at Iran Focus.

Iranian human rights activist Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi sends the latest on the developing Mahmoudapalooza in New York City:

On Sunday evening Ahmadinejad had a diner party for 1500 Iranians of the regime’s supporters in the U.S.

It is said that he may be staying at the Intercontinental Hotel in Manhattan, though it’s not sure. Also this evening 60 minutes showed an interview with him that was done with him last week.

Now today from this afternoon on, through the evening and late into tonight protestors have gathered already outside of Columbia University. All of them are against him but a small few say that they think that it’s okay that Columbia gave him a forum because the students will challenge him and they won’t let him get away with his usual evasions. Others are just angry at the whole thing and are there to punish Columbia as well show their hatred for Ahmadinejad.

Tomorrow people will be gather at around noon to continue the protest. Ahmadinejad’s event is said to begin at 1:30 and it will go to 3:00 PM though now I’m hearing that he has only accepted to stay for 45 minutes at Columbia. The questions that people, both students and other attendees (such as the press) will be asking him had to have been submitted and approved beforehand.

HERE is a schedule of Monday protests.

The LA Times is calling Mahmoud a hero among Arabs- That’s very questionable. It would be more accurate to say he is a hero among American Leftists.

Related… The Iranian Regime is blaming the Zionists for the assassination last week of the anti-Syrian Christian Lebanese politician Antoine Ghanem.
That’s a stretch.

UPDATE 2: Ahmadinejad met with members of the disgusting anti-Zionist Jewish Group in New York this morning.

UPDATE 3: Lie #1 for the day: Mahmoud says Iran will not attack Israel
Fact: Iranian proxy state Hezbollah has already attacked Israel.

UPDATE 4: Democratic Candidate Mike Gravel says, “Let Ahmadinejad Go to Ground Zero.”
Mahmoud is making lots of fans among democrats!

UPDATE 5: From BanafshehNew York Sun reports that the state of New York is considering taking state funding away from Columbia.

UPDATE 6: Mahmoud is talking with the National Press Club– It’s no wonder this group’s approval ratings suck air.
How many Americans does this regime have to kill before the American Left quits playing nicey-nice?

asked the Press Club, “Why there is not more research done on the Holocaust?”

UPDATE 7: The silly Leftist Ahmadinejad sympathizers are gathering on campus.
Columbia University will not allow outside Jewish Groups or other protest groups on campus today.

Student demonstrators display signs on the Columbia University campus where Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak during his stay in New York September 24, 2007. Ahmadinejad met leaders of an anti-Zionist Jewish group on Monday at the start of a visit to New York for the U.N. General Assembly meeting that has sparked protests and anger. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

UPDATE 8: The other Iranian protesters are gathering….

Iranian-born U.S. citizens protest outside the Columbia University campus where Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak in New York September 24, 2007. Ahmadinejad met leaders of an anti-Zionist Jewish group on Monday at the start of a visit to New York for the U.N. General Assembly meeting that has sparked protests and anger. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.