US Soldiers arrested a terrorist dressed as a pregnant woman along the Euphrates River on Monday.
We’ve seen this before, most recently by Maulana Abdul Aziz at the Red Mosque in Pakistan- pictured here being defrocked.
MNF-I reported:
AL-OWESAT, Iraq — Soldiers of 2nd Battalion, 14th infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Drum, N.Y., detained several men during an air assault mission along the Euphrates River, Aug. 20.
One of the men detained was dressed as a pregnant woman.
Crimson Shogun was an operation targeting al-Qaeda-allied terrorist networks in the Owesat and Fetoah areas along the river and brought together more than 100 Soldiers of 2-14 Inf., 50 Iraqi army troops and two local residents who volunteered to help identify terrorists.
Thirteen men were detained for further questioning, one of whom was on the battalion’s list of persons of interest. His brother was also detained, and was found by the Soldiers of Company A disguised as a pregnant woman in an attempt to avoid capture.