The Blotter reported that the two Egyptians were carrying precursor chemicals, used in improvised bomb-making as well in as model rocketry, lengths of plastic pipe and twists of hobby fuse, and model rocket launchers.
Ahmed Mohamed(left), Yousef Megahed were arrested Sunday in South Carolina. On Monday officials said the two Florida students were carrying pipe bombs in their car.
WLTX reported:
Authorities say two Middle Eastern men arrested near a Navy base had several pipe bombs in their car.
Authorities say 24-year-old Ahmed Abda Sherf Mohamed and 21-year-old Yousef Samir Megahed were charged Monday with possession of an incendiary device.
An FBI spokeswoman says a joint state-federal investigation is under way to see if there was any terrorism connection but no link had been found yet. The Navy base is the site of a brig where enemy combatants have been held.
According to an affidavit with his arrest warrant, Mohamed admitted he made the pipe bombs from items he bought at Wal-Mart.
Defense attorney Dennis Rhoad says Mohamed and Megahed have a reason for having the devices, but he declined to comment further during their bond hearing.
Dan Riehl is following the story closely.
National Terror Alert has more from Goose Creek.
UPDATE: Dan Riehl explains how The Blotter has it wrong.