Green Activists Attack Jewish Warehouse- Hoist Palestinian Flag!

Young “climate change protesters” attacked an Israeli warehouse yesterday near the Heathrow Airport outside of London where they are campaigning against Heathrow’s planned expansion.

They took down the Israeli flag at the warehouse…

And… They hoisted the Palestinian flag. (UK Indymedia)
It was part of their protest against carbon emissions(?)
Here is part of the “green activists” report on the attack on the warehouse:

The General Manager, Amos Orr was called out, and on his arrival he seemed most upset to see his staff group standing under the Palestinian and Anarcho-syndicalist flags. Staff had seemed unconcerned about the new flags prior to this, and one staff member is quoted as saying “I don’t give a damn about this war crimes and anti-semitism nonsense!” By now staff should be fully aware that the actions are against the company’s involvement in marketing settlement goods, and should realise that aggression is uneccesary and pointless.

The Pro-Enviroment/Anti-Israel activists chained themselves to the trailers inside the warehouse and shut down operations for three hours.

The “Green” activists also took down the Israeli flag at the warehouse. (UK Indemedia)
UK IndyMedia had this report on the attack at the Jewish warehouse:

40 activists left Climate Camp undetected and have occupied Carmel Agrexco, the 50 % Israeli state owned exporter/distributor of Illegal settlement produce from the West Bank.

The Israeli flag is no longer flying outside the depo and all the gates have people D locked to them, blocking in a food lorry.

Well done !!

It was not the first time that the young Leftists attacked the Jewish warehouse.

Photos from UK Indymedia.

** Charles Johnson and posted an initial report on the warehouse attack.

TigerHawk has thoughts.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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