This is a handout from the first UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa- September 2001:
Libya (the Chair), Cuba and Pakistan will meet with Iran at the Second Durban Preparatory Committee in Geneva on, August 27, 2007.
Professor Anne Bayefsky at EYE on the UN provides today’s jaw-dropper from the United Nations:
The world’s most notorious state exponent of anti-semitism – Iran – is being given a seat on the UN committee planning a 2009 UN anti-racism conference. This conference is billed as a review of the implementation of the 2001 UN conference against racism which was held in Durban, South Africa. The infamous Durban Conference is remembered for its broadcast of anti-semitism from a global platform under a UN banner and with UN blessing. Now Iran is being placed in a position to drive the agenda of Durban II.
As Anne Bayefsky, editor of and participant in the Durban conference wrote shortly thereafter, the legacy of the racism and anti-semitism of the Durban conference extends far beyond the halls and conferences of the UN:
A large group of states sought to minimize or exclude references to the Holocaust, redefine or ignore anti-semitism, and isolate the state of Israel from the global community as a racist practitioner of apartheid and crimes against humanity. The vestiges of Jewish victimhood were to be systematically removed by deleting the references to anti-semitism and the Holocaust, to be displaced by the Palestinian victim living under racist, Nazi-like, oppression.The hate literature distributed during the NGO conference included caricatures of Jews with hooked noses, Palestinian blood on their hands, surrounded by money, and Israelis wearing Nazi emblems. At the Government Conference, there was daily distribution by NGO participants of literature reading “Nazi-Israeli apartheid,” while inside the drafting committees, states such as Syria and Iran objected to the inclusion of anti-semitism or the Holocaust on the grounds that anti-semitism was a “complicated,” “curious,” and “bizarre” concept, and reference to the Holocaust would be imbalanced or “favoritism.”…
EYE on the UN has the disgusting video of anti-Semitism from the first UN Durban Conference Against Racism.