You must read this by Michelle Malkin… Now:
Michelle blasts the McCaskill campaign’s bogus attack ads against Jim Talent!
This is devastating!
Update: McCaskill is still running a “Josh” ad with other veterans from
But, Claire McCaskill does not have it posted anywhere on her website! does not have it on their website either.
I just saw the ad again last night blasting Talent with Josh up front and center.
That’s pathetic! McCaskill can use it on TV but hides it on the internet where it cannot be questioned or downloaded!!
If anyone sees this ad posted somewhere please let me know.
Thanks to Michelle Malkin and HotAir for giving this story more national attention!
McCaskill’s War Veteran Campaign Ad… A Fraud?
Sick! McCaskill Slanders Talent’s Record with Bogus Vet Ad!
McCaskill’s Angry Vet Busted Foot Playing V-ball… Not in Action!
Claire McCaskill’s Bogus Soldier Stories Unraveled
Why Must Dems Insist on Using a Fraud in Their Anti-War Ads?