Surprise! Young Democrats Busted Vandalizing for McCaskill

Update: The vandals were McCaskill volunteers!

Geesh… is this surprising?

You put up your Republican signs…
And, it’s like catching crappie out of Duck Creek.

Signs in a Springfield, Missouri were consistently vandalized recently even generating coverage on Missouri news outlets. Talent supporters kept replacing the signs, they kept getting vandalized, etc.

So, they captured the crime on film and realized it was McCaskill volunteers ripping the signs down!… Nice!

Christin Green

Chris Worth
The photos were gleaned from Facebook, they are Missouri State students Christin Green and Chris Worth.

The young unhinged hoodlums just can’t help themselves.
After their Young Democrats meeting and cocoa at the local coffee hut, the young’uns clear the neighborhood of Jim Talent signs…
Too bad they had the cameras set up.

No wonder, Jim Talent has a special link for you to request more signs!

Arena of Ideas has more on the capture.

The kiddies are caught vandalizing for Claire McCaskill.

Somewhere Howard Dean is smiling.

Here is audiopost from the Allman and Smash Morning Show at 97.1 FM in St. Louis of a “shaken” Claire whining about those nasty Republicans “questioning her patriotism”?? Who? Name one!

I’d like to see proof of that? Is Claire talking about her cut and run conversation with her buddy Willie Nelson…
before he was caught with the shrooms?

this is an audio post - click to play

It is surprising that the same person who said Bush was letting people die on rooftoots because they were poor and black is suddenly shaken by a political ad.

The young liberals were also out attacking a guest speaker like animals last night at Columbia University.

Previously on Claire:
Claire McCaskill Plays Moderate, But Is Busted in Nutroots Interview
Blogger Attacked for Airing McCaskill’s Racist/Crazy Bush Rant
Senator Frist Demands Claire McCaskill Apologize to Bush!
Democrats Try to “Edit Out” Clinton Protester at McCaskill Rally
McCaskill Buys News from KMOV
The Truth About Claire McCaskill’s Katrina Rooftop Deaths
McCaskill Campaign Caught Lying About a Vote She Never Took
After McCaskill Stump, Willie Nelson Is Busted for Pot & Shrooms!
McCaskill Gets “F” – Talent Gains Major African-American Support

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.