The Washington Times reported tht rat poison was found in a Danish well:
Inspectors discovered strychnine in the water supply of a Danish town during a routine check.
Investigators believe that someone dumped rat poison in one of the wells that provides water for Greve Municipality outside Copenhagen, the Copenhagen Post reported. The well’s Plexiglass cover was smashed open.
A vial labeled rat poison found in the bottom of the well has been traced to the pharmacy where it originated, investigators told the Post.
“The episode worries me, because you think, what’ll it be next,” Erik Jurlander, a manager at Greve Waterworks told the newspaper Politiken. “We have coded locks for the waterworks, a sea of alarms and 24-hour security guards who are immediately notified if one of the alarms sounds.”
While the waterworks says that the strychnine was not at a dangerous level, the reservoir has been closed. Copenhagen is temporarily supplying Greve with water.
Hat Tip Tom Pechinski