Left Wing CNN Contributor Sally Kohn Shifts Blame to Christians After Orlando Attack

sally kohn

What’s a leftist to do when an Islamic terrorist who’s also a registered Democrat kills dozens of innocent gay people? Blame Christianity, of course. That’s just what CNN’s Sally Kohn is doing.

The Daily Caller reports:

CNN Contributor Shifts Blame To Christians After Islamic Terrorist Attack In Orlando

Leftist CNN contributor Sally Kohn attempted to shift the narrative to Christians in the aftermath of radical Islamic terrorist who killed 49 people in a gay bar in Orlando, Florida.

On Monday, Kohn tweeted, “Hey right wing Christians desperately trying to point out that right wing Muslims are more anti-gay than you are: Your guilt is showing!”

A few minutes later, Kohn followed up that tweet with this: “Last I checked, it’s not Muslim religious extremists shooting up abortion clinics and killing abortion doctors.”

We can’t let facts get in the way of the progressive narrative, can we?


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